Often times, you come across a blog that you really connect with, purely by accident. So was the case when I chanced upon Recollections of WWII: Memoirs & Books Which Should be on Your Bookshelf, on Twitter. This UK-based blogger brings to attention those books and personal memoirs from WWII that you may not find on the bookshelves of the big box bookstores. but are important to the overall knowledge of the war. I am pleased that our book, LST 388: A World War II Journal, has been featured on his blog. In it, he shares this review:
Providing a unique insight into both the role of LSTs in the Allied landings in Europe, and the personal account of a young member of the crew, LST 388: A World War II Journal is a great addition to the literature of World War II.
You can read the full blog post here:
Please also follow him on Twitter, @wwiistories, to learn of other great books you may not have heard of yet.